The Pick 2 playslip has three (3) panels, titled PANEL A, PANEL B and PANEL C, Each panel contains two groups of numbers “FIRST” and “SECOND” both with numbers 1 through 36.
Select two numbers, one only in the “FIRST” group and one only in the “SECOND” group, by marking the numbers with a dark blue or black pen or pencil. Do Not Use Red Ink: your numbers will not register.
If you would like the terminal to select 2 random numbers, mark the “QUICK PICK” box.
Select the amount you want to wager under “PRICE”. Your wager will apply to all draws in the case where “ALL” is selected.
To play your numbers for multiple days, marl the appropriate box on the left side of the play slip under “DAYS”. This will play your panels for as many days as you want, up to 6 days (Monday through Saturday). Days selected may or may not be consecutive. Also you may play either the Morning, Midday, Afternoon or Evening draw only, or a combination of two or three draws. You can play all four draws by selecting “ALL”. If a boc is not marked, the terminal will automatically play your numbers for the next available draw.
To reverse the order of the two chosen numbers, mark the “REVERSE” box.
You will receive a ticket from the On-Line terminal that lists your chosen draw(s) and numbers. Remember, always check your ticket before you leave the store.